Welcome to the best website, in the world.
I am going to go insane attempting to do this shit. I started making this on 25/06/23, so you'll be able to see updates the further we go on. Ima leave the "Here's how you can *blank*" stuff in at the moment to give me some pointers on what to do. Stay tuned for more updates!
Here's a list of things I want to add/do:
To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!
The Journal
01/07/2023 - The New Look?
Well, the site has a new look this week doesn't it? A lot of the badges/pictures/buttons (whatever you wanna call them) have been removed. Don't worry though, they will be back. This week I had actually started working on a layout of how I want each page on the site to look (or roughly look). I have updated the last post to include a picture of what the site looked like before and I will be doing so with this one too so that I can retrospectively look back on past iterations of the site. Anyways, that's it for this week, thanks for reading!
25/06/2023 - The Day of Reckoning.
Today was the I took the plunge and began to learn this stuff and already my brain cogs are on overtime. I managed to actually start creating the site today and have also created a very professional layout on microsoft paint of what I would like the site to eventually look like. It'll be funnny to look back on how much will have changed since this so I'll leave the picture here. Hopefully I would have updated this more by next week? I'd like to add blog updates weekly on either a saturday or a sunday (providing I do not forget to that is) so we'll see how it goes. Anyways I'll leave this entry here, expect more soon!